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CAP’s New Risk Management Incentive Program

Participate in CAP’s New Risk Management Incentive Program and Earn a $100 Gift Card for You and Your Staff

Patient safety is a goal for which all practices strive. Physicians and their staff, in every medical office, establish policies and protocols aimed at protecting their patients. The CAP Risk Management Incentive Program is designed to help your practice achieve that goal. CAP is offering an attractive incentive, for physicians and staff alike, when your practice implements this package of three Risk Management and Patient Safety tools. Upon completion of all of the following components within a six-month time frame, each member physician and his or her registered staff will receive a $100 gift card.

On-Demand Webinar: Key Strategies for Ensuring a Profitable Independent Practice
During this one-hour program, practice management expert Debra Phairas discusses how various business models and operational enhancements can increase revenue to help your practice remain successful in today’s competitive marketplace.

Component #1: Risk Management and Patient Safety Practice Survey
A CAP Risk Management and Patient Safety specialist will conduct an onsite Practice Survey and Risk Assessment. These specialists are very knowledgeable, with years of experience in
evaluating risk exposure and offering guidance in risk reduction strategies.

Criteria: A risk management practice survey is performed at the practice. A practice survey conducted within the last 18 months may be accepted.

Component #2: Risk Management Institute for Medical Office Staff
Each registered staff member completes the six modules of the Risk Management Institute. It is available in an online, independent study program format.

Session 1 - Informed Consent
Session 2 - Medication Management
Session 3 - Effective Office Communication
Session 4 - Patient Education
Session 5 - Tracking and Recall
Session 6 - Medical Record Management

Criteria: Completion of module review questions is required. Eligible staff include those with direct patient contact – either front office or back office (e.g., manager, RN, MA, scheduler, receptionist, advanced practitioners).

Call 800-252-7706, ext. 8502 today and register!